Crimson Publishers High Impact Journals

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

TVET and Sustainable Growth in Developing Countries: Lessons from China_ Crimson Publishers

TVET and Sustainable Growth in Developing Countries: Lessons from China by Osidipe Adekunle* in Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy_ International Journal of Agronomy



Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has been a front burner and controversial topic in many developing countries as a result of the existing diverse perspectives on its feasibility or effectiveness in terms of provision of education and the attendant benefits. The embedded diverse interests involved in TVET ranging from the policy makers in host countries to international organizations involved in TVET as well as researchers from the two divides of the funding countries and fund recipient countries. The prevalent arguments against the feasibility of TVET as an option to academic stream of studies in developing countries has dominated the global scene for long until the recent renewed focus on the subject by international organizations, notably the World Bank and traditional donor agencies. The latter had hitherto deserted TVET in preference for regular academic stream of studies consequent upon the World Bank funded research recommendations that investment in TVET has lower rates of return in comparison to the regular academic education. Among others, researches conducted by World Bank researchers in the early 90s reviewed the African vocational education experience and returned with results vocationalization initiatives prompted by post-independence aspirations all failed due to issues related to high cost, lack of student interest, or mis-match with employers needs and several other problems. 

The results and recommendations of several of such studies significantly influenced the decision of the World Bank and other international funding organizations on provision of funds for TVET in developing countries and resulted in the drastic reduction of the World Bank's lending to vocational education which stood at 25% out of the total education lending in 1984-1985 to 3% by 1996. The World Bank hinged its decision to significantly cut its funding of TVET projects coupled with its related policy advice to governments to reduce their financial support and provision of TVET on the proposition that the governance, funding and provision of TVET is best left to individuals, enterprises, and private sector training institutions with government intervention kept to a minimum. The Bank's decision adversely affected the growth of TVET in most developing countries; especially, in Sub-Sahara Africa considering the fact that most of the countries newly got independence and were unable to fully finance TVET provisions effectively without external lending. Though the Bank's decision received diverse criticisms, and it took over three decades later before an apology came from the Bank during its 2018 annual meeting, the nascent growth of TVET in most African countries after their independence was effectively truncated by the Bank's decision, which was followed by years of prevalent imbalance in education structure, underfunding of TVET, skills shortages, skills mismatch and massive unemployment coupled with stagnant economies on the African continent.

On the other hand, China, the largest developing country in the world, has become a model for many other developing countries seeking space in the global economy. As a developing country that has attained rapid development through investment in TVET in contemporary period, China remains a feasible and most appropriate example for developing countries intending to promote inclusive growth and development. The Chinese successful experience in TVET at the time when theories postulated by western-funded researchers claimed investment in TVET was not profitable especially for developing countries, gives credence to the need for developing countries to learn and replicate same. China’s successful experience in TVET delivery is the most recent, globally acknowledged successful TVET delivery project which effectively solved the twin-problem of unemployment and unemployment-triggered poverty: two grim challenges confronting most developing countries of the Southern hemisphere. China’s consistent rise to global limelight as a leading industrial nation no doubt is closely connected to the country’s unwavering focus on human capital development through the provision of education that is relevant to the need of the society at every stage of development.

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